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                             4.4 Menus

     There are eight top-level (pull-down) menus. Each function and
     menu of FDSETUP will now be described.

         4.4.1 File

         Shell to DOS    Invokes a temporary DOS shell. Type EXIT and
                         press <Enter> to return to FDSETUP. You can
                         invoke a temporary DOS shell in FDSETUP by
                         pressing <Alt-Z> in the middle of input
                         fields, pull-down menus, selection fields,

         Exit            Returns you to DOS or the Mailer, depending
                         on how FDSETUP was invoked. If you made any
                         changes to your configuration, you will be
                         asked if you want to make your changes
                         permanent or abandon them. You can also exit
                         FDSETUP by pressing <Esc> at any of the
                         top-level menus.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson